In 2020, Thailand ranked No.2 the most attractive country to invest in the world.
The “Best Investing Countries 2020” ranking is based on the result of a global perception-based survey and ranked according to 8 characteristics of the country
The “Best Investing Countries 2020” ranking is based on the result of a global perception-based survey and ranked according to 8 characteristics of the country
Date and Time: 22nd September 2020, 1:30 pm. Thailand timePlace: Thai-Beijing Chamber of Commerce Topic: Business Matching China-Singapore-Thailand Content: This meeting was held in Thailand. It
Covid is a new epidemic in 2020 that make family reunion in China difficult and destroy peaceful world. This disease has spread throughout China and
On 8th September 2020, a meeting “New opportunities for Thai-Chinese Business Cooperation under the new world economic order after the epidemic” held by Thai-Beijing Chamber
Topic: New opportunity for Thai-Chinese business cooperation under post epidemic economic order. Date: 8th September 2020 Sponsor: Thai Chamber of Commerce and Chinese Industry Council for
To make the Board of Investment more efficient and serve investors faster, the Board of Investment has established a method for applying for investment privileges
In order to make the work of the Office of the Board of Investment (BOI) faster and more efficient, so as to better facilitate promoted
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