บ่อทอง33 ข่าว และ กิจกรรม

Investment during Covid epidemic – investors please grab this investment opportunity that disappear during this pandemic.

Covid is a new epidemic in 2020 that make family reunion in China difficult and destroy peaceful world.

This disease has spread throughout China and around the world, hinder the happiness and well-being of the whole world.

The epidemic of this disease has made countries around the world to close the countries, stop all international flights,

stop accepting foreign tourists, separate themselves from others. Thailand too!


Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus, international trade, imports and exports, foreign investors, students and tourists are all affected by the epidemic.


Many investors expressed great nostalgia for Thailand and has reinforced the intention to invest in Thailand during this epidemic.  We therefore pay attention to the epidemic situation. Unfortunately, the epidemic is not effectively controlled. Foreign investors cannot enter Thailand affected that the investment plan was delayed. If we did nothing at the current moment, we will miss opportunities and sink in history while we wait and reluctant to move forward.


The epidemic and chaos that happened this year will be an annual memory for most of us. But for investor who are far-sighted, they will be aware of the opportunities hidden from that risk and seize that opportunity whether or not the bank’s annual interest rate hedges against your rapidly weakening currency. While Thailand has gradually opened the country, experienced investors are sourcing new exports and creating new value. Borthong Industrial Estate welcome all investors.


Don’t miss the opportunity in 2020!

Investors are all welcomed to invest during this golden opportunity!



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