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Procedure to apply for BOI investment promotion

In order to make the work of the Office of the Board of Investment (BOI) faster and more efficient, so as to better facilitate promoted investors, the BOI has laid out procedures for applying and implementing promotion privileges, according to the BOI announcement No.1/2553 regarding the application for investment promotion procedures are as follows:


From the above table, all application procedures from submitting complete application documents to receiving confirmation letter from BOI will be considered within 40 business days when the investment capital is not exceeding 200 million baht.  If there is more technological or complicated details on the projects, the approval period will be longer than that.  Thus it is important to submit complete plan for your investment promotion application to BOI.


Applicants are not necessary to be under company name. They can apply for investment promotion in individual name such as shareholder or authorized person of the company.

Investors can register a company before apply for BOI investment promotion, but the company must not be already in operation.

Company that is already in operation can apply for BOI investment promotion only when they expand their production lines.


Documents :  Investors must submit all require documents, the followings are form for application in general procedure.

  • Application for Investment Promotion for General Activity  (F PA PP01)
  • Application for Investment Promotion for Service Activitiy  (F PA PP03)
  • Application for Investment Promotion for Digital Business  (F PA PP04)
  • Application for Investment Promotion for SME  (Or Por Thor.  Phor.29)


Project with investment (not include land and cashflow) more than 750 million baht must submit “Feasibility Study Report”.  According to the BOI announcement No.50/2534 on 1st November 1991, documents and supporting documents for each industry will be informed separately by circumstances.  Applicants can submit their applications to BOI Investment Promotion Division 1-5 or Zone 1-7 of economy investment center or to an economic and investment office located abroad.  BOI Notification:  BOI notifies the applicants of consideration results within 7 days as from the date of approval of minutes of meeting.  Applicants for investment promotion accept the promotion consideration results.

  1. Applicants for investment promotion must submit the Promotion Acceptance Form (F GA CT 07) within 1 month as from the receipt of written notification of results.
  2. If applicants did not respond in written documents within 1 months as previous schedule, the applicants can submit a Form of Expanding for Promotion Acceptance (F GA CT 03) which can be requested not exceeding 3 time.  The first 2 approval will give 3 business days and the third approval will give 7 business days.


Documents to grant the Promotion Certificate

  1. BOI promoted investors must submit the Promotion Certificate Application Form (F GA CT 08) and supporting the following documents for consideration within 6 months counting from the date of promotion acceptance.

(1.)Promotion Certificate Application Form (F GA CT 08) with complete information.

(2.)Company organization chart

(3.)Memorandum of Association for capital increase (in the case of capital increase)

(4.)Certificate of Business Registration from the Company and Partnership Registration Office

(5.)Issued by the Company and Partnership Registration Office, Ministry of Commerce

(6.)A list of shareholders and their nationalities from the Company and Partnership Registration Office, Ministry of Commerce

(7.)Documents showing the transfer of funds from overseas (in the case of foreign investment)

(8.)Join Venture Agreement, Rights and Service Agreement, technical assistance contracts (if any).

(9.)Utility and Manpower Requirement Form (F GA CT 13)

  1. BOI will issue the investment promotion certificate within 10 working days, counting from the date on which the OBOI receives the complete promotion acceptance form and all supporting documents.
  1. In case applicants cannot submit the Promotion Certificate Application Form and supporting documents for consideration within the due date according to above No.1, applicants can submit the Form of Extension for Documents Submission to Issue the Promotion Certificate (F GA CT 04) which is allowed 3 times. The OBOI will consider the 1st and 2nd extensions for documents submission to issue the promotion certificate within 3 working days and the 3rd extension within 7 working days, counting from the date on which the OBOI receives the extension request from the applicant.

(1.) Investment capital not exceeding 200 million baht is considered within 40 business days

(2.) Investment capital 200-750 million baht is considered within 60 business days

(3.) Investment capital exceeding 750 million baht is considered within 90 business days


For more information, please visit BOI official website:  www.boi.go.th



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