บ่อทอง33 ข่าว และ กิจกรรม

Why Chinese investors should select industrial estate in Thailand?

From the world ranking, Thailand has strong market-oriented economy, strategic location in the center of Asia, modern and comprehensive infrastructure, government that closely pays attention to the needs of investors, liberate investment policy, and stable social environment. It has become one of the best places for direct investment from Chinese enterprises.


When investing in Thailand, why do so many investors choose to invest and build factories in industrial estates?  Borthong33 industrial estate will do simple analysis as follows:


In Thailand, industrial estates that are developed and managed by Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) will receive various benefits such as industrial estate management, permit to establish industrial estate, industrial estate construction, facilities improvement, services relating to land use in industrial estate,  industrial estate operation, tax incentives, work permit for foreign workers, etc.


Currently, Thailand has a number of industrial estates. Most of which can provide a full range of services for investors and some places can provide approval services at One Stop Service, for example Borthong33 Industrial Estate that can provide safe and convenient investment environment.


Apart from that, Borthong33 Industrial Estate provide other services such as company registration, visa permission, translation (Chinese-English-Thai) etc.   Borthong33 can assist in finding construction company to build factory.  When construction is finished, Borthong 33 can also assist in recruiting workers.  Companies can apply for BOI promotions to gain tax and non-tax incentives



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